Intuitive APIs and Extensive Documentation
We offer intuitive and easy to use APIs to make integration into your application as easy as possible. We also offer extensive documentation to help you with the integration process. We work worldwide. *You must sign an NDA to view our API and documentation. Contact us to view and discuss your needs.
Benefits Location API to integrate Trackmyunit into your software
Cut down on costs
Integrates Trackmyunit tracking, GPS location API quickly and easily, minimizing Time-To-Market and its costs
Comprehensive support
Browse the documentation and download the demos to start developing right away, using our dedicated website for real-time testing of the calls.
Implement the maps at no additional cost with the https protocol to ensure maximum security and privacy for your users.
Open to all languages
The Trackmyunit interfaces utilise standard ReST so they can be implemented using any programming language.
Easy 'Plug & Play' Integration
Our Products are packaged with application software, communication software, Configuration Tools, OTA (over the air) diagnostics and APIs that make integration into your application as easy as plug and play!
A Large Family Of Solutions
Our robust family of solutions target every market segment yet all use the exact same communication protocols.
Uncompromised Quality
Our products are manufactured using a combination of the industry's most advanced wireless technology in developing innovation.
Custom Adaptations To Your Needs
We are flexible in making specific custom adaptations to meet your specific customer needs.